TCYP – Trevor Coreya Youth Program

Dear Friend and supporter of Trevor Correya’s legacy

As we come to the end of the summer of 2022, we hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful and blessed summer season. The troubles and turmoil of the Covid 19 pandemic that overwhelmed us and dominated our lives throughout 2020 and 2021 now seem a distant memory, however the impact it has had on our lives continues to remain ever present.

The loss of our dear brother, friend and colleague, Trevor Correya on 3rd January 2021, left a big hole in the lives of many whom he touched in a hugely positive and encouraging way during his time in this world. Trevor had a heart and soul which was ‘larger than life’, we will always miss him dearly.

We would like to take this opportunity to extend a big thank you for your kind donation via the GoFundMe page set-up by the Five 4 God ministry last year to honour Trevor’s memory. Trevor was a founding member of the Five 4 God ministry to which he devoted his life until he was called by the Lord.

A modest target of £2,000 had been set with the aim of meeting Trevor’s desire to see young people grow into mature adults and bringing them closer to the Lord through events, coaching and mentoring in various aspects of life, especially in these troubled times where the young can so easily become disillusioned by modern society. Due to your generosity, our target was exceeded and the funding page closed having raised £4,280.

During the ‘Celebration of Life’ service for Trevor held on 26th March 2022, which many of you attended, the Five 4 God ministry announced the inauguration of the Trevor Correya Youth Programme (TCYP). We are pleased to inform you that this programme will establish a legacy preserving the memory of Trevor Correya for years and even generations to come! A significant amount of planning is required to ensure the programme can be self-funding throughout its longevity run by youth members, details of this program are being finalised and we hope to communicate this to you in the coming months.

We hope that you will support the programme through attendance of the various events that will be held through the year. In the meantime, the Five 4 God Ministry would like to share this passage from the Bible as you reflect on the impact Trevor has had in your life.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”


May you be blessed for your kindness and support.

Five 4 God Men’s Ministry