Senegalese Ministry

Five4God Ministry Branch Dakar, Senegal, West Africa

In 2016 whilst our Leadership Team Chairman (Valentin Yombo) was working on a project in West Africa the Holy Spirit led him to establish our first International Five4God Ministry Branch in Dakar, Senegal, West Africa.

However, apart from Valentin having plans for his own project, God already had plans of His own for the furthering of His Kingdom work through the use of Valentin.

Whilst doing his research about the country, Valentin learnt that Senegal was a peaceful country with 90% of the population being Muslim and less than 10% Christian. One of the first things Valentin did on his arrival was to seek through prayer a place to worship and fellowship in Dakar and to also receive an anointing to establish a branch of the Five4God Ministry in Senegal itself. The search for a church was speedily accomplished as a business partner sourced via the Internet a Christian International Church, which was located just five minutes away from his apartment.

Having found a place to worship and whilst his time was mainly consumed on his project work, Valentin still found time to pray and seek the Holy Spirit to direct him towards the establishment of a Five4God Ministry in Dakar. God is faithful and when you put your trust in Him you will never be deceived. When God has a plan it will be according to His own perfect timing and He will make things happen that you will sit back and ask yourself … ‘How did that happen?’.

One Sunday after a church service Atsen Ahua a fellow brother greeted Valentin for a chat and networking; it was a very pleasant meeting out of the blue and they both soon discovered that they had common interest in various things. Atsen then invited Valentin to his house for the coming Saturday. During this very same week, Valentin received a text message from his daughter Rose in London informing him that she had made some new Christian friends and that one of her new friend’s parents were residing in Dakar.

To Valentin’s astonishment when he visited Atsen’s house that Saturday unknown to him the parents that Rose had referred to were the one and very same people at the house. Valentin reported that the presence of the Holy Spirit could be felt in the house strongly that evening.

In a conversation that evening Atsen revealed to Valentin issues and challenges that he had been facing for a very long time and for which he had not found solutions. Having recently led the London Five4God Leadership Team on a teaching by Robert Henderson ‘The Courts of Heaven’ Valentin then proceeded to share the same teaching with Atsen and then prayed for him.

On the very next Sunday at Church there was an appeal for three people to come forward and give testimony about what God had done for them during the week. Valentin stood up and shared with the church how God made it possible for him to meet a fellow brother who he now knew as Atsen Ahua, who then invited him to his house and how independently of this his daughter Rose from London had also linked him up with Atsen.

No sooner had Valentin sat down having given his testimony Atsen stood up and gave his very own testimony. He confirmed everything that Valentin had said, but Atsen also then added that following the sharing of the teaching and being prayed for, God had opened his eyes to find a solution on the issues that he had been facing for so many years. Atsen testified that he had now been released and set free.

From that day God placed on the heart of Atsen the burden to help and support the establishment of an International Five4God Ministry in Dakar, Senegal. In days to come, an inaugural meeting was held at Atsen’s residence. Now, regular weekly meetings are held at Valentin’s residence as the Ministry begins to grow in numbers.

Now that the Five4God Ministry has been established in Dakar and progressively taking root we are praying that God will enlarge our borders and send us more men to build the Kingdom of God in Dakar and why not in all of Senegal and across the world.

Jesus Christ Said: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one only begotten

Son, that who ever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Bible : Mattew 23:40