Retreats & Weekends Away

Joint Men & Women’s Retreat 2019 ‘Carpe Diem’

21st-23rd June 2019

The Five4God Ministry Leadership team are pleased to announce a Joint Men & Women’s Retreat 2019 from Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd June 2019, to the Malvern Hills of West Malvern Worcestershire.

This will be our 6th Retreat in this our 11th year of ministry work for the Lord.

The theme for the Retreat is ‘Carpe Diem’; simply meaning ‘Seize the Day’; to us this simply means that none of our tomorrows are guaranteed and we need to make the most of every opportunity today in Jesus Christ.

We are blessed and honoured to announce that the Holy Spirit has provided for us as a Key Note Speaker Pastor Robin Varghese and his wife Reena will be accompanying him on the Retreat.

Our Past Retreats 

In 2010 an inaugural Retreat for the Men was undertaken with a total of 18 Men retreating to Ashburnham Place in East Sussex the theme then was, ‘Men Seeking God’s Face’.

In 2011 a second Retreat for the Men was undertaken with a total of 50 Men retreating to the Malvern Hills of West Malvern, Worcestershire. The theme was ‘Moving in The Holy Spirit’.

In 2012 a third Retreat for the Men was undertaken with a total of 53 Men retreating once again to the Malvern Hills of West Malvern, Worcestershire. The theme was ‘Meeting with God’.

In 2016 a fourth Retreat for the Men was undertaken with a total of 32 Men retreating once again to the Malvern Hills of West Malvern, Worcestershire. The theme was ‘Restoration’.

In 2018 a fifth Retreat for the Men was undertaken with a total of 37 Men retreating once again to the Malvern Hills of West Malvern, Worcestershire. The theme was ‘Jerusalem Past, Present & Future’.

Jesus Christ Said:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one only begotten Son, that who ever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Bible: John 3:16