Who We Are

The Five4God Men’s Ministry

The Five4God Men’s Ministry is an independent Ministry under the only one authority that of God the Father. It is a completely self-funding Ministry through its Leadership Team.

Our History

The Early Spirit Led Vision (2008-2013)

The Five4God Men’s Ministry roots and birth dates back to November 2008. It was at this time whilst the current Leadership Team were fellowshipping together at Elim Pentecostal Church Leytonstone that brother Valentin Yombo received from the Holy Spirit the vision to establish a Men’s Fellowship Ministry for the Church.

The early vision handed to him was underpinned with the scripture verse of Genesis 2:15 (NIV) “15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it”. This early vision had three distinct strands:

  1. Man – Reconciling himself to God (vertical relationship), based on Romans 5:10 (NIV) “10 For if, while we were God’s enemies,we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life”.
  2. Family – Man being the head of his family (horizontal relationship) based on 1Peter 2:(NIV)”‘But you are a chosen people,a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light”.
  3. Church – Man serving God, serving and supporting the Church Leadership and supporting each other, based on Galatians 6:2 (NIV) “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ”.

This vision was taken to then Senior Pastor of the Church Pastor Mervyn Tilley who through Spirit led authority handed the authority and mandate to Valentin to establish a Men’s Fellowship Ministry for the Elim Pentecostal Church Leytonstone.

Through prayer and fasting the formation of a core group of five Holy Spirit led men was established by Valentin to deliver and support this early vision. The five men were (Valentin Yombo, Tony Ndu, Sam Daaku, Jérémie Alamazani and Trevor Correya) who then steered the delivery and implementation of the vision between the years of 2008 to 2013.

During this time measurable impact was very evident noticeably by the freshness and revival of the Men in the Church spiritually, physically and visually; men began to take roles in various ministries of the church and began to serve God, the Church and one another, the fruits of what were sown in these formative five years are still evident today.

The New Spirit Led Vision (2013 onwards)

In the summer of 2013 these very same five men (Valentin Yombo, Tony Ndu, Sam Daaku, Jérémie Alamazani and Trevor Correya) founded the Five4God Men’s Ministry as an independent Ministry under the only one authority that of God the Father, following a new Holy Spirit led vision received by Valentin Yombo.

Since then the new Spirit led vison has been progressively implemented by the Leadership Team whilst themselves growing spiritually through fasting, praying and spending intimate time with God to deliver His Kingdom work here on earth.

In August 2014 Jérémie Alamazani left the Five4God Leadership Team to pursue his own Spirit led direction in Christ. From this very day the Leadership Team prayed and waited on the Lord for a new fifth member. During July 2015 a new man started attending our Thursday weekly meetings relentlessly without fail. It was then in December 2015 that the Holy Spirit revealed to us through a powerful series of confirmations that this man would be the Spirit led fifth member to fill the gap in the Leadership Team and would restore the Leadership Team to its full complement of five. In December 2015 Steven Amazigo joined the Five4God Leadership Team. In September 2019 Robert Sallaby was appointed into the Leadership Team as a sixth member.

The Five4God Leadership Team

Valentin Yombo | Ministry Teaching, Spiritual Development & Chairman

“I am running to bring my spirit, soul and body to abide daily to the Kingdom of God principles. Each day it is a new battle and each day is by faith a new victory in Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.”

I was born into the Kingdom of God in October 1993, baptised in water and in the Spirit in 1995. I received my basic teachings from the Campus for Christ, Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship, and from the church of La Borne a Congregation of over 3000 members which is part of the God Assembly movement. As a member of the La Borne Leadership Team I facilitated a role as a regular teacher for the men and also a couple’s ministry in the church. Together with my wife Evelyne we were trained to be couple advisors for the La Borne Church in 1997.

I also took up the role as President of the Full Gospel Ministry Chapter of Kin Nord in Congo for 5 years; this God led Ministry brought to the Lord over 200 people. In the UK, I was part of the Leadership Team for the French Chapter of the Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship in London where I provided regular Spirit led teachings.

In 2003, I assisted Pastor Claude Muya to set up a couple ministry and family relationship workshops where I led the teaching. In 2008, I was appointed as the Leader for the Elim Pentecostal Church Leytonstone Men’s Fellowship and was appointed into the church’s Leadership Team as a Deacon in 2010.

In 2013 following a Spirit led vision I co-founded the Five4God Men’s Ministry and to date facilitate the role of Chairman with specific responsibility for Teaching, Spiritual and Development.

In 2016 on behalf of the Five4God Leadership Team I established our first International Branch of our Five4God Ministry in Dakar, Senegal, West Africa.

I was born in 1960 in the Democratic Republic of Congo in Central Africa. I am married with a special, lovely and beautiful woman who has blessed me through the Lord with 8 wonderful children and I have 5 grandchildren.

In the secular world, I am a successful businessman working in the area of cities mobility’s and car parking in Africa.

Tony Ndu | Ministry Treasurer, Pastoral Care & Deputy Chairman

“To fully understand and embrace God’s will in my life and to have unshakeable faith”.

My walk with the Lord started back in 1997 when I gave my life to Him and since then I have grown to love Jesus in a special way. I know Jesus will never leave me or forsake me.

I am a founder member of the Five4God Men’s Ministry and it has been a blessing to me and my family to see the move of God in our lives and of those around us.

I have faithfully served as a Church Deacon for nearly 8 years at Elim Pentecostal Church Leytonstone and I lead the fundraising ministry and wherever the Lord chooses to use me.

I am the eldest of 3 brothers and 2 sisters. I was born and raised as a North Londoner and will always be close to my roots. I am now a happily married man with 4 lovely children living in Essex.

I graduated as a Civil Engineer but always had a passion for IT computing which eventually led me to work in the city as a consultant for the last 20 years.

I have an online internet business which I have been running for a few years and I’m always keen to share my knowledge with others and help them to grow their businesses. In my spare time I like to catch up on a good sci-fi movie and read up on technology advances.

I believe every man has a purpose in life and should be rooted in the word of God. Daily fellowship with God is essential for a victorious life.

Sam Daaku | Ministry Worship & Newcomers

“To see the men that this Ministry comes into contact with, grow spiritually in the Lord and take the role as heads of their families seriously. It is also my prayer that the Ministry will continue to be guided by its Mission statement: Revelation 12:11”

I was born into into a family with a strong Christian ethos and attended religious based institutions (Presbyterian Church) for both my primary and secondary school education. The training and the teaching I got from these institutions reinforced my commitment to serve the Lord all the time.

During my time in High School I was a member of the Students Christian Movement (SCM) and became the leader during my final year. I continued to serve the Lord during the four years I spent pursuing my first degree. I was a member of the University Choir as well.

When I moved to the UK in the 1980s my family and I initially worshipped with the Methodist Church but in 1998 we joined  Elim Pentecostal Church, Leytonstone where we continue to fellowship.

In 2009 I became a member of the Elim Pentecostal Church, Leytonstone Men’s Fellowship Leadership Team. In 2010 I was appointed into the Elim Pentecostal Church Leytonstone Leadership Team as a Deacon, whilst also taking charge of the Welcome Ministry and its team members.

In 2013 I became a founding member of Five4God Men’s Ministry. It is my hope that God will continue to use me to make a very positive difference to the lives of men that this Ministry is trying to reach out to through the Ministry’s core values and vision.

I was born in Ghana but I have been living in London for over 30 years with my family. I am married to Linda and we have been blessed with two young adults; Benjy and Lesley. Levi was added to the family 6 months ago and he is our first grandchild.

Professionally I am a High School Science teacher with a passion for teaching and learning.

I also share the hopes and aspirations of Tottenham Hotspurs Football Club, however many a time they end in tears.

Trevor Correya | Ministry Administration & Business Management

“To be a living testimony of the almighty power of Jesus Christ in my life, whilst witnessing to others”.

I was born into the Kingdom of God in 2001, baptised in water and in the Spirit in 2009.

I received my initial basic Bible teachings through a course titled ‘Kingdom Keys’ that was run by two strong women of God namely Diane Jameson & Yvonne Wood; I then furthered my spiritual development through a course of advanced teachings from Apostle George Akalonu (IMF International President, Overseer of Arise Metropolitan Assembly and Facilitator of Global School of Ministry) and Diane Jameson.

In February 2008 I began fellowshipping at Elim Pentecostal Church Leytonstone and in August 2008 I was Sprit led and appointed into the church’s Men’s Fellowship Leadership Team where I served until 2013. I also served for a period of a year in the church’s Pastoral Care Leadership Team.

I am a founder member of the Five4God Men’s Ministry which was formed in 2013 and have a heart to empower others through encouragement, discussion, testifying and fellowship, whilst using God’s Word for principles that can change people’s lives. I am certified in Counselling Skills and Theory which I utilise in my everyday life and to empower others not only in my ministry work, but also the secular world.

I come from a deep rooted Christian family stretching at least 3 generations with family roots in Kerala, South India. I was born in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, East Africa. In 1974 my family came to the UK and I schooled and grew up in Upton Park, East London.

I am the youngest of four brothers and one sister and I have four nephews and one niece. Love the close family ethos immensely. Family, and family values are extremely important to me. I believe that a family that eat and fellowships together stay together and as such our families’ meetup regularly on Friday nights to share in a family meal and fellowship together which was instilled in us by our late parents.

I graduated in 1985 with a BSc Hons Degree in Computer Studies and am now into the my 30th year of working for the National Health Service (NHS) in Information Management & Technology as a Project Manager, implementing a wide range of IT Clinical and Business Solutions. I reflect Christ every day in my work life and outside work. I am an avid supporter of West Ham Football Club having grown up in Upton Park and also have a passion for cricket.

I have a passion for ministry administration and business management and see this as one of the gifts that Lord has placed in me.

Steven Amazigo | Ministry Publicity & Memberships

“To develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ”

I serve in different ministries in my Church Elim Pentecostal Church Leytonstone; one of the ministries being as a Sunday school teacher, as I believe that children should have a good male Christian role model at a young age.

I became the fifth member of the Five4God Men’s Ministry Leadership Team in Dec 2015. Joining the Five4God Men’s Ministry Leadership Team has been an incredible experience for me as it has helped me grow deeper in faith as well as giving me a better understanding about God’s purpose for men.

I have being working as an IT consultant for over 17 years, providing various services such as designing, developing and building of server and client infrastructure for various organisations.

I have been married to Harriet for 13 years and have two children. I enjoy various sporting activities such as football, table tennis, weight training but my main hobby is cycling.

Robert Sallaby | Ministry Welfare & Logistics

“To walk closely in God’s presence and to abide in the understanding of His Word”

I was born in 1971 but I was reborn in 2010, when I gave my life to Christ and was baptised. As a child growing up in Jamaica I attended Church, but as I grew older I walked away from the faith. However, the Lord in His infinite wisdom was always by my side.

I was honoured to accept the position as the sixth member of the Five4God Men’s Ministry Leadership Team in September 2019. Being a member of Five4God, has impacted my life and I am thankful that I will share in the vision of what God will continue to do in men’s lives through this ministry.

As a member of Elim Pentecostal Church in Leytonstone. I am involved in various ministries, one being Sunday School. I am blessed to be able to interact and minister God’s word to the children and watch them grow in their walk with the Lord.

I have studied the basics in Homiletics under the Rose of Sharon Educational Ministries, and I host a prayer line three times a week, interceding on the behalf of others.

Within my career I have had various occupations and businesses. I am a professional driver and also run a small business.

It is my hope and aspiration for men to come to know God, and take up their rightful role as the men they were called to be.